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ATLETA NETWORK is a generic, modular, multi-layered blockchain network designed for the sports industry.

ATLETA NETWORK aims to provide an open, permission-free, censorship-resistant, reliable, and neutral environment by leveraging the verifiability and auditability of the blockchain data structure.

The network leverages substrate technology to enable an L1 blockchain with improved cost efficiency and scalability.

The ATLETA NETWORK architecture consists of the most widely adopted, technologically advanced, and economically sound modules (substrates) in Web3.

The network consists of an EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatible execution layer with a Rust-based runtime, a multi-chain relay hub, a distributed storage network, and a network of nodes consisting of three actors: validators (block builders and producers) and nominators.

It consists of a node network of actors.


ATLETA NETWORK consists of three layers based on its functionality.

The Execution Layer (EVM compatible) is the basic Layer 1 platform enabling the development of transactions and distributed applications (dApps).

The Interoperability Layer is the “Layer 0” functionality responsible for cross-chain communication and uses relay points to transfer assets and messages.

The Storage Layer is a data layer for storing arbitrary information such as video or text files in a decentralized manner.

Elements of these layers may be developed simultaneously, but for ATLETA to reach its ideal state, these three layers must be implemented in sequence.

Once all layers are implemented, the network will move to a fully decentralized version, allowing ATLA token holders to fully contribute to the development direction of the platform.


ATLETA NETWORK employs several advanced technologies.

GRANDPA (GHOST-based Recursive Ancestor Deriving Prefix Agreement), an asynchronous consensus layer, is used to increase network finality.

Nominated Proof-Of-Stake (NPoS) is introduced to democratize transaction validator selection, enhancing network security and fair consensus.

BABE (Blind Assignment for Blockchain Extension) randomizes the assignment of block construction validators and enhances overall network security.

ATLETA NETWORK has a modular EVM-compatible architecture that allows developers to easily create and deploy dApps (distributed applications).


Users can add chains to Metamask to send transactions, deploy applications, and interact with the ecosystem.

In 2024, ATLETA NETWORK plans to launch multiple test nets and main nets.

This will include Blockchain, DEX (Decentralized Exchange), Blockchain Explorer, Bridge, Staking, Liquid Staking, and Wallet testnets and mainnets.

This allows users a broader interoperability and enhanced user experience.

ATLETA NETWORK aims to provide a convenient and efficient platform for users by opening up new possibilities for sports-related applications through technological advancements.


ATLA COIN is the native coin of the ATLETA NETWORK.

It is the basic unit for calculating resource consumption and activity on the blockchain platform designed for the sports industry.

Technically, like other Layer 1 digital assets such as ETH and BTC, the ATLA COIN is classified as a coin and stored in an ATLETA address or EVM compatible wallet.

The coin is fixed at a total supply of 7,500,000,000 and the supply model is designed to reduce inflation to 0%.


The ATLA COIN has four main roles.

It is the unit of measure in which all activities are calculated in ATLA COIN.

For example, when performing a transaction, the server consumes resources (power and block space) to perform the calculation, the cost of which is calculated in ATLA COINs.

Second, it is used as a means of payment for transactions.

The user holding the ATLA COIN must pay the resource costs required to execute the transaction.

The ATLA COIN also serves a consensus and governance role.

To increase the economic stability and security of the network, users are required to participate in the governance process by staking their ATLA COIN.

This allows them to be involved in the process of approving, rejecting, discussing, and submitting proposals.


In addition, ATLA COINs are used to deploy para-chains (parallel chains) to ensure interoperability within the ATLETA ecosystem.

To secure the parallel chain, the operator must lock up a certain amount of ATLA COINs.

Finally, the economic model of the ATLA COIN includes an element of deflation and a burn mechanism is implemented to reduce the supply of coins.

Manual burning will be used in the initial phase, with automatic burning to be introduced later as the network matures.

This means that a portion of the base fee per transaction will be automatically burned and removed from the circulating supply.

ATLA COIN is a core component of the economic activity and governance of the ATLETA NETWORK and their use directly contributes to the stability and growth of the network.
